Pune: A video of a family visiting Tirumala’s Venkateshwara temple has gone viral. In the clip, a family is seen wearing heavy gold ornaments. Reportedly, it is being told in the media report that they visited the Lord wearing 25 kg of gold. Sunny Nanasaheb Waghchaure and Sanjay Gurjar, popularly known as Golden Guys, are from Pune, Maharashtra, who visited with so much gold.
Darshan with family
Posting the video, ANI wrote that devotees from Pune in Andhra Pradesh visited Tirumala’s Venkateshwara temple wearing 25 kg of gold. In the video, Sunny Nanasaheb Waghchaure and Sanjay Gurjar are seen standing with their family with folded hands. Sunny Nanasaheb Waghchaure and Sanjay Gurjar are wearing white vest and dhoti with thick chains around their neck and a woman in a golden saree is seen laden with ornaments. A child is also seen standing in front of the elders.
People are giving reactions on social media
At the same time, after his video surfaced, social media users are giving different reactions. An ex-user jokingly wrote that Income Tax is now keeping an eye on you people. One wrote that why this show off in front of God.
Celebrities come to visit Tirupati
Located in Tirupati district of Andhra Pradesh, this temple is nestled amidst dense forest. It is considered one of the most sacred places by the followers of Hinduism. According to Hinduism, this temple is dedicated to Lord Venkateshwara, who is considered to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The temple has not only religious, but also architectural importance. Prominent personalities often visit here.